Site Rules

By making an account on this site, you agree to the rules below.

1. Respect everyone.

Be kind and respectful to everyone.
This means no harassment, hate speech, threats, discrimination, doxxing, and the like.

2. No NSFW content.

This applies to profile pictures, usernames, and any content you submit.

3. No controversial topics.

We want this site to be a place for submitting your best runs, not about starting arguments.

4. No spamming/advertising.

If you advertise something in your run description, we will remove it.

5. No cheating or spoofing runs.

If you use TAS tools in your runs, please mark it as a TAS run.
We value honesty and integrity in your submissions.

6. Use common sense.

Do not perform illegal activities on this site.
If you find a loophole in the rules, please report it to us. Do not exploit it.

If you violate any of these rules, we may take appropriate action depending on the severity.
We reserve the right to change these rules at any time.
If you have any questions, contact us on the official Techmino Discord server or on the GitHub discussion page.